Sunday, April 25, 2021


 Waking up to a gray new dawn,

with all hopes of happiness and rest long gone,

The body aches without any duress,

it prefers endless sleep, the mind does confess.


The are mouths to feed, the mind continues to say,

your children need a mother, some food and study, the heart makes the mind and the body obey.

She goes masked and tired to make a meal,

she picks the milk and the veggies from the shop, hating the feel.

Of curious eyes boring into hers,

wondering if today they are hiding tears.

Tears for loved ones snatched away suddenly.

 How relentless the day can be.

She forces a smile on her face,

as her children jump into her loving embrace.

I can do this, she thinks.

Living on a prayer and the day goes in a blink.

Do you need support, some kind relatives ask,

No, I can manage she says, her face behind the mask.

Time flows and this too shall pass by,

one day she will be free to frown and ponder and laugh and cry.

Until then, office, cooking, cleaning and homework await,

keeping away thoughts of life, pain, destiny and fate.

She thinks - I will live my life holding my head high,

I will rally on until the day I die.

But that wont happen anytime soon,

that's a promise I make every-time I see the sun and the moon.

I have important things I know I should do,

This house, this city, this state, this country depends on me to renew myself anew.


And so it goes in the country as of today,

Seems like the deadly virus  is here to stay.

Like her we must find a way,

to keep the grayness away.

Only discipline and hope can save the day.