Sunday, August 30, 2020

Things that make me smile

A child wiping away an old man's tears,

The smell of rain and the roll of thunder after a sunny day,

The widening of a traveller's smile when his hometown nears,

The swell of a mother's pride for her soldier son's bravery miles away.

The constant half smile on a wrinkled, weary face,

A lonely bride contemplating her reflection, in glimmering lace,

Happy babies trying to walk and trying to talk,

Seeing a handsome stranger during a moonlit walk.

A tired and overworked man humming once in a while,

coming home to my mother's smile,

moonbathing and thinking of magic under the bright grey sky,

after a fight, watching two lovers make up and cry.

A kid getting inspired to be a superhero,

A girl in a burkha, dancing in an imaginary show,

Seeing a hint of a rainbow or a glimpse of a shooting star,

heavy rain in the desert, stretching wide and far.

The thought that the whole world is my home.

the love of my family due to which I will never be alone.  

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