Sunday, June 03, 2018

Just FYI: Self-Published

If you are reading this, then you have either unwittingly stumbled upon it while exploring the vast wilderness of the internet or you sometimes follow my blog. I usually write poems for light reading and I like to read them a few years later and even better, like to hear from people who liked reading them. There is nothing more gratifying to the amateur blogger than a comment either from a total stranger or from a dear friend.

I am happy to say that I have written a book. I wrote it a long time back, when I was pregnant. I wrote it for me and for the baby, so that we can be in writer's heaven instead of a chaotic commute to work for that 40 minutes in the morning, everyday. I fell in love with my characters, all 12 year old boys and the book literally wrote itself.

Now, after almost 3 years, I self-published it. Why? because I couldn't let go and I wanted to introduce the story to the world. Because the few publications I sent it to did not reply back and because every person needs to celebrate their passion.

If you have the time, money and interest, please do try to read and review it :)


Anonymous said...

I came here because I enjoy reading your posts. I didn't know you had a baby and that is when you wrote the story. So cool!!

Anonymous said...

I am happy to say that I have written a book. I wrote it a long time back, when I was pregnant. I wrote it for me and for the baby. I shared information with my friends. I share also many web sites. It is service provide in 24 hour Des Moines Towing. Thanks for sharing.